Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Eclectic "taste"

I harbor no delusions that my personal tastes in music/entertainment/literature are shared by much of anyone else except maybe Lea, who is my soul-sister in almost all of these things.

I got my Amazon order this morning.

The movie "AMADEUS" - director's cut.
The movie "The Lion King" - special "platinum" edition (used)

8 Minute Meditation - Victor Davich
Sweet Revenge - Diane Mott Davidson
World of Warcraft Strategy Guide - 2nd Edition
Guided Meditations - mindfulness of breathing (cd)
and some old Aerosmith.... Toys in the Attic. (cd - my vinyl copy was getting too scratchy)

It is raining cats, dogs and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri here today. My backyard jungle will be even more jungly.

230 days


Jan Ross said...

Just hopped over after reading your comment on Bossy's blog and had to say it's nice to find a fellow lover of Amelia Peabody Emerson! Uh, that doesn't sound right, but you know what I mean! I have read every book in the series and love reading about her adventures in Egypt with her wonderful family.

John Good said...

I blew an old hippie cashier's mind at the discount record store once by purchasing Led Zeppelin and Glen Miller in the same transaction. ;)