Tuesday, March 06, 2007

SCOOTER LOSES!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guilty on 4 of 5 counts!!!


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The Washington Post - well behind other sources - has this quote on their story about the trial: "Former senator Fred Thompson said that win or lose, Fitzgerald will be judged as a prosecutor run amok who chased petty political crimes "to the ends of the Earth."

So Fitz will be so judged huh? Kind of like other former folks chased petty crimes and were ONLY ABLE TO COME UP WITH A BLOWJOB???????

The Neocons sure do look more than a teensy bit stupid with that egg on their faces!


BBC said...


billie said...

it begs the question on how the neo cons will be judged. so far- i have seen much corruption and graft- and little of the moral superiority that the 'compassionate conservatives' rode to town on. 1 down- let's keep it coming!!

Peacechick Mary said...

F is for Felon! Hee Haw!

Frederick said...

Fred Thompson, just another Republican Bad Actor.

The Future Was Yesterday said...

It's one sorry mess of bull stuff, isn't it? But then "morals" have always been for "you" to live...and us to preach, for the Evangelicals.

Off topic....I left you a comment on your beautiful quilts!!! I'm sorry it took me so long. If you get around to it, drop me a line at dpraay@gmail.com when you get a chance.

Anonymous said...

So Fitz will be so judged huh? Kind of like other former folks chased petty crimes and were ONLY ABLE TO COME UP WITH A BLOWJOB???????

And spent way...Way...WAY more time and money doin it.