Saturday, May 28, 2005

Win Cash Prize!!

If you can figure out WHERE THE BLOODY HELL I lost my glasses at.

Had them Thursday - sometime between getting home from work Thursday nite and getting ready to leave for work Friday morning - they have gone missing.

Thank the goddess, I have the old ones, but they give me headaches, I really need to find the new ones - quickly. I haven't got the $100 to get a replacement pair!

So I've carefully looked in all my "usual" spots to leave my glasses - nada
Tried some "unusual spots" - nada.

So then I cleaned off my desk, tore apart the bed, cleaned up the sewing room, and crawled on the floor in the bedroom to look under furniture... nada as well.

Leave me suggestions, comments, ideas... and your e-mail address. If you're the lucky soul who figures out where the damn things are, I seriously WILL send a modest (very modest... exceptionally so) cash reward.

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