Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dr. Stupid

Went to the new Dr. He is an idiot. Ok, maybe not an idiot - but never going to earn the "Miss Congeniality" award anywhere. The lack of common courtesy and mutual respect for a fellow professional (albeit in a different field) indicates a bad case of "Dr. God" syndrome. Ya know? I have enough stress and crap in my life without that. I have put in a call to my GP for an alternative referral, as I cannot/will not return to that guy.


BBC said...

I don't do doctors. I don't have any problem with getting dead.

rauf said...

sounds like an Indian doctor, there are many out there

Pistol said...

I don't have any issue with you getting dead either, Billy.


Croila said...

Oh dear, I'm so sorry to hear the new guy's an arse when you had hopes of things progressing. Hopefully the alternative referral will be much better. And hopefully you will get sorted out of the mess you feel you're in :-(