Friday, July 29, 2005

Cash Prizes and Hypertension

Ok, I got the surprise of my life the other day at work, got called in for my "review" (Goddess, I hate those) and was given not only a nice healthy raise, but a performance bonus as well.

Oh, nothing so huge as to warrant remodeling my bathroom - but a nice chunk of change, nonetheless.

Which is wonderful. What is weird is that I was told I was too much of a perfectionist (you know, MBA201: Don't just tell them they're good - find faults for them to "correct"). Ok, fine. I'm a perfectionist. The bank statement has to balance TO THE PENNY every month or I'm tearing out my hair.... true.

But I'm an accountant!! Wouldn't you think that accuracy and precision would be ... oh... a DEFINING ATTRIBUTE of an accountant? Like, you don't really want me to give you a financial statement that says "I think we have something in the ballpark of $97,000.00 in the bank, give or take a few 1000....", would you?

So I'm having trouble with the other guy in the accounting dept. He seems to think that deep-sixing any problems is the way to deal with them. Unfortunately, I'm finding there are a LOT of unresolved problems, and he's hiding the paperwork on them.

So I go to the VP and ask if he can suggest a way (other than bluntly telling the kid he is a farking dweeb and fork over the paperwork, asshat) to help out with the situation. And the VP tells me "we just showed you how much we want you to stay - can't you believe us?"

I just got a bonus. They never ever give bonuses. This is unprecedented - and MY first thought is "I have to work harder to prove I deserve this" - and he's telling me to "relax" and "take it easy"??????

No wonder I have high blood pressure.....


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