Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Controlled Demolition

I've decided to move some things around in my livingroom. Furniture things. A few years ago, my then-next-door-neighbor, Ray, found me this very nice bookshelf unit at a garage sale for $2. It needs a bit of paint touch-up, but I have white spray paint, and the unit is white, and so that is all good.

The thing sat in my garage for a couple years, as I wasn't sure where I wanted to put it, although I was sure I wanted it, as I tend to outgrow my bookshelves with fair regularity.

I finally have decided on the perfect spot for it, and now I just needed to move a few things and re-position some cords (and replace the too-short phone cord, see January 31 ) and then I'd be all set to vacuum and paint the shelf and move it to it's new house.

The thing is, the few things I needed to move necessitated moving yet a few more things, and then a few more things and... well... end result is that I've got a completely fardleschnockered© livingroom disaster area - and no way to get the bookshelf to its new home through the chaos.

I am thinking this is going to be a much harder thing than it should have been.

328 days


BBC said...

Getting things out of my shop area is often a major undertaking also.

The Future Was Yesterday said...

Now that we're actually "home" for a while (Dear God, please let her get tenure!!), we recently had the bookcase fight. Three of them followed us here from the old house; damn if she didn't come home one day to announce another was to be delivered!! I set my foot down and said "no way in hwll!!"

So after the bookcase was delivered, I discovered the joy of those slippey slidie thingies (tm) to put under stuff, that you see on TV. They actually WORK!

The bookcase still isn't where I originally said to put it, but at least it moves much easier now.:)

Sewmouse said...

The big question is, Dan'l - is it anatomically POSSIBLE to put a bookcase where you originally said to put it?