Friday, January 23, 2009


The neighbor guy came over last night and asked if I have mouse problems in the condo.


I looked very carefully this morning, did not see any mouse "by-products", so I think I'm probably ok. I suspect that they got into his house from the garage. He has direct access from his house to his garage. Not to mention my two semi-incontinent old-lady cats. I don't think I've got a problem.

At least I HOPE not.

Ok, it's been the first 3 days (short work-week) for President Obama.

He did not walk on water.
He did not leap any tall buildings in a single bound.


He signed an order to close Gitmo and other "Black Sites" within a year.
My grade? I'd like to see this happen faster. A-

He asked a judge to put the Gitmo military tribunals on hold pending review.
My grade? Since he went the LEGAL route and went through a judge instead of UNILATERALLY "decidering" ... A+

He put a freeze on White House salaries for employees making over $100,000/year.
My grade? A+

He reversed Shrub43's misbegotten policy of secrecy and erring on the side of noninformation and trying to find ways to DENY transparency to the public.
My grade? A+

Not bad for starters.

My car is ok. Had to have a couple of belts replaced, but it's running like a champ again. Not bad - $125 for the 2 belts, and according to my mechanic, the old ones were original equipment (They still said "Mopar" on them) - 9 years on belts is rather amazing. For a car company that doesn't get all that high of ratings, this Chrysler is one of the best cars I've ever owned.

(Stock photo - mine is dark blue, not purple)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The United States of America has a President Again!!

The 43rd Elected, 44th Sworn-in President of the United States - Barack Obama



Today we party - tomorrow we start back to work.

I've taken the day off of work, I'll be puttering around the house, getting ready for the party tonight, and doing something I almost never do - watching television.

Ding, Dong, The Shrub Is Gone...


Monday, January 19, 2009


On December 23, 2006, I pledged to myself to make a commitment to not post a single day without marking how many days were left in the Bush Regime's Evil Administration. At the time it was 758 days. For a little over 2 years I've done my best to keep that promise to myself. Tomorrow I'll be removing the coundown timer from the side of the blog and stop with the "XXX days" tag at the end of each post. Barack Obama will be the President of the United States. A constitutional scholar. A Harvard graduate. A man with a plan - and a brain. A "messiah"? No. A man. But NOT a Shrub.

I've had a lot of folks over those 2 years ask me in comments what the "days" countdown was, and about a year ago I pasted in the code to the sidebar to link to the official countdown site. Tomorrow the United States will have a new President. I do not expect miracles from my former Senator. I don't expect him to walk on water or balance the budget or end the war or do anything OVERNIGHT.

I honestly never believed I'd see this counter in single-digits, much less with "zero" days - only hours.... minutes... left. I wish Lea was here to see it too. She'd chortle.

I've been very politically vocal here - to the point of driving myself into an angry frenzy at times - and I've had to pull back to rein in my own blood pressure and welfare. Such a level of anger and hatred cannot be maintained without taking a serious toll on the person doing the hating, and eventually turning that person into a carbon-copy or mirror-image of the very thing they are opposing. I don't want to be like that. That's too much like the very people to whom I'm opposed.

We're not out of the woods yet. In fact, we may not even be within spitting distance of the PATH out of the woods yet - but at least we're heading in a different direction - since the last 8 years we've been going in all kinds of the wrong directions, thanks to our ineffective, criminal, lying, cheating, despicable "decider". I admit fully that I'm as prejudiced, as negative, as disgusted by GWB as any 12 neocons felt about Billy and Hilly combined. But the Shrub family is evil and should all - every last one of them - including Jeb the Savings & Loan cheater - be behind bars for life, IMNSHO.

Zero days. Praise the Deity of your choice. Namaste