Monday, February 04, 2008


In a recent comment, my dear friend Visionary said: "btw.. my local sport franchises are better than yours."

I am fully aware that he's ranting, raving and terribly unhappy this morning, as last night his favorite "Merkan Football" team failed to complete a perfect season. I found the game quite fascinating, enjoyed it even to the end (although I cringed, knowing that somewhere in the Northeastern USA, a top was blowing...)

You know - I used to didn't understand the game - and didn't much like it, although Mom loved to NOT watch the Bears when the game was on (she would get somewhat hysterical if they had a turnover or failed to convert on 3rd and long... This was, however, in the days of the "Payton" offense - "Left to Payton, Right to Payton, Left to Payton - Punt") - but I now really do enjoy it, although I'm known to occasionally fall asleep to the dulcet tones of the announcers.

I was somewhat disappointed with Mr. Brady from the beginning, however. Ok, yes, you're a damn good QB and you've had a hell of a season - but would it really hurt you, or your concentration, to be a gentleman and act like it when your opponent wishes you well before the game? You acted like a spoiled elitist snob. I think it may have just been "nerves" - heck, even the best can be nervous, especially with the pressure of "Four-Time Superbowl QB" and "Perfect Season" hanging over your head - but c'mon - even in LITTLE LEAGUE they teach ya to be a good sport in public, Tommy. Game face my ass. Be polite.

I read what the yahoo guy thought about the Superbowl commercials. He didn't pick the one that made me laugh hardest... the "Bud Light Makes You Breathe Fire" one cracked me up. Easily amused? Moi? Of course!!

Right before the game, Faux Sports had a bunch of people in a montage reciting the Declaration of Independence. They claimed it to be "The most important document in American History", although I think the Constitution is more important. Still and all, I suspect George Bush wasn't watching that part - his handlers couldn't let him do, what with all the references to how it is the DUTY of people to overthrow corrupt governments...

Tomorrow is "Super Tuesday" - I guess I'll go vote. The local rag hasn't printed a "sample ballot" giving me local candidates to check out, which sucketh and doth not swallow, but I suppose I can checkmark a few boxes. Just Say No to totally-electronic voting - until Diebold decides to become honest. We get a choice here - paper or paperless. I pick paper, because I don't trust the machines.

Which is ironic - as the very first time I ever voted (in Denver) was using a machine. It wasn't electronic really, though. Mechanical mostly, I think. You moved the levers to point to the candidate you wanted, then when you had everyting "just so" - you pulled this BIIIIIGGGG handle to record your vote, and reset the machine.

I have just discovered that one of my books in my bookshelf is well over 100 years old. Imagine that. It was one of my mom's books from when she was a little girl. The interwebs are soooo interesting...

350 days