Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Best joke I've heard all week:  (It is, however, still only Tuesday)

"A Libertarian is just a Republican who wants to smoke dope and get laid."


  1. Ha Ha - given the one person I know who regularly calls themselves that I have to chuckle about that...

  2. Anonymous12:36 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I think we all want to get laid but we get so picky none of us are getting laid.

    Never did get the point of pot, smoking a first reefer was interesting but never hooked me on it.

    Now I'm working on stopping smoking, a possible side effect of nicotine patches is dreams, I love interesting dreams.

    Shit, works for me, been having some damn interesting dreams, during a brain fart the other night I guess I put one on each arm, and had really interesting dreams that I still recall parts of.

    Shit, I could get quite attached to patches even though I think pot is silly.

  4. A Republican is a Republican who wants to smoke dope and get laid.

  5. Piston9:16 AM


    That's closer to the truth. Plus the whole evilness that is that fiscal responsibility thing. You know, the shit that Democrats are against? You're an accountant, Mouse. You tell me what happens when you borrow 40 cents to every dollar you spend?


  6. Piston Dear?
    You've been listening to fake-conservatives and their talking points again.

    Liberals/progressives believe IN fiscal responsibility - that's why we didn't start TWO wars, lose BILLIONS of dollars sent on pallets TO said war-zones, invoke an unfunded insurance mandate (Medicare Part D), nor lower our revenue stream by giving tax breaks to the ultra-wealthy.

    As an accountant, I realize that quitting a job (lowering my cash-revenue-stream) is counter-productive to maintaining a balanced bottom line.

    Whether you choose to believe it or not, the ultra-wealthy are NOT the "job creators" that the Repubs want you to think they are. The REAL job creators are the consumers. Without the drive of consumer demand, there is no reason for any company to hire workers. In fact, without consumer demand, a tax=break is simply another deposit in the Swiss/Cayman accounts for those greedy bastards.

    And no, I don't count honest businessmen like your dad in with the greedy bastards. Who I'm talking about are the Willard Romneys, who inheirited wealth, then cheated, stole, and manipulated their ways to obscene wealth by taking advantage of those less-fortunate than themselves, amassing great wealth and then attempting to use that wealth to undermine the electoral process and purchase power for themselves. And no - they sat on their asses, or went out and played golf - they did NOT "build" that. The hard work, sweat and labor to "build that" came from those who actually did the work - and whom they call "thugs" when the workers try to organize themselves to fight against the robber barons of the 2000's.

  7. Don't recall what I said to get deleted but whatever.

  8. It wasn't you, Bill. It was some "anonymous" nimnode who wrote a bunch of drivvel.

  9. Piston9:17 AM

    Uh, no... Liberals/progressives do NOT believe in fiscal responsibility. A simple look at the numbers bares witness to that fact. The government in general (Republicans and Democrats) has been insane in the past 8 years in their sense of fiscal responsibility. I've been fairly honest about GW Bush's absolutely abandonment of fiscal responsibility during his second term. Barry has continued that trend by in large. Neither side can claim it today, whether it be tax deductions for the rich and paying for wars, or out of control entitlements.




    Looking at that, it would appear to me that the times of sharpest increase has been when Democrats controlled congress and the greatest point of stability has been when Republicans controlled it. Claiming that liberals/progressives believe in fiscal responsibility simply isn't paying attention to reality. Regardless of your political denomination, the numbers tell it straight. The current trend is one of impending disaster.

  10. Liberals are just more fuckwads, I'm with George Carlin, just enjoy the freak show the best you can.
