Sunday, December 31, 2006

Retrospectives Suck

I'm tired of them. I'm tired of having to "relive the year" in review. Enough already. I didn't care about "TomCat" and "Brangelica" the first time around, they're JUST as noxious this time. Enough! I have been disgusted by the news of the war for the whole year - and disgusted by the antics of the frat-boy from Texas for 6 years. Enough! Stop it.

The eve of a new year for me is a time to look forward. To set goals and assign priorities to them, and formulate strategies to attain them.

It is also a time that a once-friend of mine (we drifted in very different directions) and I used to always use for mental focus, by doing the things we would most like to spend the rest of the year doing.

This year I will work on cleaning up my OWN back yard, pick one of the environmental groups to work with close to home, I will work on cooking and eating healthy every day instead of just finding something to chow down. And I will make an effort to assist the other "Lib'ruls" hiding in my county - in the hopes that we can get a candidate on EVERY single opening on the ballots, not just for the large state-wide elections.

There are other goals, but this is a private, personal thing with me, and I'll deal with those on my own. For 2 days, The last day, and the first day, of the year(s), I'll try to do as much as I can toward reaching those goals in a day - to try and set my sights and focus on them. It's not a surefire thing, it's not "magick" - it's just a personal goal, and it does work frequently enough for me to keep going.

To all who will party tonite - be safe.

750 Days


  1. Anonymous8:06 AM

    No party for me, I'm staying home. Yup, forget the past, the answers and future is in the tomorrows. Mucking around in the past is just wasted time.

    Have a peaceful New Year. I of course have no idea which way it is going to go. But it should be interesting.


  2. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Happy Hogmanay Sewmouse.

  3. Anonymous11:12 AM

    I do a lot of the same things you do at the end of a year. I'm setting goals for the next year. Mainly I just want to get organized so that I have some direction and purpose for the rest of my life. This year, however, rather than trying to fix everything I have decided to just work incrementally toward the goals I have had for a long time.

    If every day I can chip away at one or two major tasks, and address them all at least a couple of times a week, then I will feel as if I am making progress.

    I'll be alone tonight (this is unusual how?) and will probably be in bed long before midnight. Everyone have a good one.

  4. Anonymous12:14 PM

    My goal for the next year is to keep on ranting. LOL

    Well, I have started doing a bit more around here everyday. I just might get the place fixed up someday.

  5. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Retrospectives are grand! This eliminates the last remaining need to debate, watch and listen to daily news or read a news paper. What a beautiful time saver that is - lets us do more important things such as watching wrestling and drinking beer. Have Happy New Year!

  6. One thing about resolutions is that they can be made and re-made anytime. good luck on yours. sounds like you are going to be very productive and a great member of a community. That's what this country needs - more people just like you.
